
Residential - Buyers

Buying a home can be stressful, even scary, and its likely one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. As a buyer’s attorney, we’ll make sure the property is in suitable condition, the terms of the contract are tailored to address your needs, and the seller is providing clean title, explaining it all in simple terms along the way.

Residential - Sellers

Selling a home is never as simple as just handing over the keys. As a Seller’s attorney, we’ll make sure that all title requirements are met (mortgage payoff, taxes satisfied, certifications obtained), seek to insure your buyer against unknown interests you were not aware of, and prepare the deed and related paperwork.


Foreclosure Defense, mortgage modification and mitigation

Foreclosures happen to good people and mortgage companies don’t always play fair when it comes to recapturing their collateral, often keeping poor records and taking legal shortcuts to not only keep a distressed property, but to saddle the former owner with a mountain of debt. A strong defense in the courtroom can often make the difference when trying to obtain better terms from a lender for keeping the property or to leave it behind free and clear.


Any time a property won’t sell for enough to cover the costs of closing, a homeowner may seek a “short” sale, asking the lender to share in or outright take on the costs of selling the home. Often, its more beneficial for a lender to do this and sell the property for near its market value than to fight a foreclosure battle only to get pennies on the dollar at auction. Van Hemert Law can guide you through this lengthy, complicated process, so that you retain your financial freedom if you have to part with a home.